St Mogue’s College

St Mogue’s College

In 1932, County Cavan V.E.C announced the renting of space in Bawnboy Workhouse for classes in Domestic Science.  Within three years the curriculum expanded to 13 subjects with a teaching staff of three catering for both day and night classes.  A new school opened for classes on the present site in 1966.  By 1979 all day students were progressing to Leaving Certificate level with a further expansion of the curriculum. 

A 12 room extension was opened in 1987 and in 1992 parents voted to rename the school St. Mogue’s College.  In 2006 a student competition produced the design for a new school crest and uniform.  The moto Spréach Eolais, Borradh Feabhais – the spark of knowledge, the surge of development was adopted to match the expansion of the curriculum into Information Technology which the school had now embraced. In 2011 new buildings were added to accommodate a new foyer, language laboratory, sacred space, canteen and general class rooms.  St. Mogue’s College thus established itself firmly as a school of the 21st century.  Since the foundation of the College there has been one constant – the quality of teaching and learning – St. Mogue’s College is justifiably proud of its reputation for excellence in education.  In keeping with the ethos of the Education Act 1998, St. Mogue’s College is committed to the intellectual, physical, social, personal, spiritual, moral and aesthetic development of all its students. Life within the school community reflects its mission statement – To achieve a safe, respectful learning and working environment so that all participants can achieve their full potential. 

  • A camogie team
  • Teachers and student holding a cup
  • A class group orienteering
  • Four students cooking
  • A camogie team
  • Teachers and student holding a cup
  • A class group orienteering
  • Four students cooking



A: Bawnboy, Co Cavan

T: 049 9523112 / 049 9523156
F: 049 9523563
E: [email protected] 



Anne Conaghan 

Principal – [email protected]

Martha Brady 

Deputy Principal – [email protected]



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