Breifne College

Breifne College

The distinctive blend of academic and vocational programmes which the school provides in an attractive and well-ordered environment offers students an ideal preparation to deal with the consistently changing demands and challenges of our modern society and avail of its varied and many opportunities. 

As well as offering the full range of core academic programmes – Leaving Certificate, Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate Applied Programme, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme – the school also offers a wide range of alternative courses, supports and resources tailored to suit to the needs of individual students. We believe in the holistic approach to education and therefore strive to educate our students in a caring supportive environment which aims to mature and develop the entire person in all the variety and complexity that entails. Therefore core curricular provisions are complemented by an extensive range of personal development programmes, extra curricular activities and work experience placement. 

  • Breifne College Basketball team
  • Students completing an experiment
  • Principal, teacher and learner holding an award
  • Breifne College Basketball team
  • Students completing an experiment
  • Principal, teacher and learner holding an award



A: Cootehill Road, Cullies, Cavan

T: 049 4331735 / 049 4331790
F: 049 4362597
E: [email protected] 



John Crotty 

Principal – [email protected] 

Breege Reilly 

Deputy Principal – [email protected] 

Jason Murphy 

Deputy Principal – [email protected] 



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